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Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

*denotes graduate student author

^denotes equal authorship



Greene, A., Stanojevićh, I.*, Sherwood-Laughlin, C. L., Sangmo, D.*, Baugh, M.*, Greathouse, L., Chow, A., Galyan, J.* (Accepted; Published Online on Nov 24, 2024). Teachers' perceptions of barriers to implementing school-based sexual health education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. American Journal of Sexuality Education.


Ou, T.-S.*, Huber, L., Macy, J.- T., Chow, A., and Lin, H.-C. (Accepted; Published online on Nov 12, 2024). Psychological Pathways from Adverse Childhood Experiences to Cigarette, Marijuana, and Excessive Alcohol Use in Early Middle Adulthood: A Longitudinal Examination. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.


Yuan, S.*, Elam, K, Johnston, J., Lin, H-C, & Chow, A. (Accepted; Published Online on Aug 6, 2024). The relationship between three sources of social support and physical activity level in middle-aged and older adults. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development.

Li, J. & Chow, A. (2025). Has human progress stagnated in recent decades? Evaluating Seligman’s (2021) model of agency and its correlates using the MIDUS three-wave longitudinal study. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 20, 15-30.


Ou, T.-S.*, Huber, L., Macy, J.- T., Chow, A., and Lin, H.-C. (2024). Trajectories of Polysubstance Use: Are Past-year Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Associated with Trajectories of Polysubstance Use Over Time? Addictive Behaviors, 159, 108136.


Greene, A., Baugh,, Sherwood-Laughlin, C., Greathouse, L., Galyan,, Stanjovic, I., Sangmo,, Jozkowski, K., Dubie, M., & Chow, A. (2024). Development of a sexual consent intervention for adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37, e13272.


Lee, S., Elam, K., Lohrmann, D., Luo, J., & Chow, A. (2024) Prospective longitudinal relations among frequent social media use, nicotine vaping, and experiencing internalizing mental health problem. Addiction, 119, 1751-1761.


Le, A.B., Yuan, S.*, Chow, A., Mullins-Jaime, C. & Smith, T. D. (2024). The impact of safety behavior, perceived risk, and workplace resources on COVID outcomes for U.S. aircraft rescue and firefighting personnel. Work, 79, 1205-1214.


Yuan, S.*, Elam, K., Johnston, J., & Chow, A. (2024). The influence of marriage and cohabitation on physical activity among middle-aged and older people. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 43, 139-148


Antwi, G. O.,* Lohrmann, D. K., Jayawardene, W., Chow, A., Obeng, C. S., & Sayegh, A. M. (2022). Associations between cigarette smoking and health-related quality of life in adult survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer. Journal of Cancer Education, 37, 508-516. [*graduate student author]


Lee, S.,* Lohrmann, D. K, Luo, J., & Chow, A. (2022). Frequent social media use and Its prospective association with mental health problems in a representative panel sample of US adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 70, 796-803.[*graduate student author]


Kim, J., Lee, J. J.,* Chow, A., Piatt, J. (2021). Different levels of physical activity, physical health, happiness, and depression among older adults with diabetes. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 7, 1-8. [*graduate student author]


Hendryx, M., Dinh, P.,* Chow, A., Kroenke, C. H., Hingle, M., Shadyab, A. H.,  Garcia, L.,  Howard, B. V., &  Luo, J. (2020). Lifestyle and psychosocial patterns and diabetes incidence among women with and without obesity. Prevention Science, 21, 850-860. [*graduate student author]


Ranta, M., Punamäki, R.-L., Chow, A., & Salmela-Aro, K. A. (2020). The economic stress model in emerging adulthood: The role of social relationships and financial capability. Emerging Adulthood, 8, 496-508.


Kang, L. J., Koleva, P.T., Field, C. J., Chow, A., Becker, A. B., Mandhane, P. J., Sears, M. R., Turvey, S. E., Subbarao, P., Lou, W., Scott, J. A., & Kozyrskyj, A. L. (2020) Maternal psychological distress before birth and gut immunity in mid-infancy. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 50, 178-188.




Lee, S.,* Han, D-H.,* Chow, A., & Seo D.C. (2019). A prospective longitudinal relation between elevated use of electronic devices and use of electronic nicotine delivery systems. Addictive Behaviors, 98, 106063. [*graduate student author]

Chow, A., Dharma, C., Chen, E., Mandhane. P. J., Turvey, S. E., Elliott, S. J.,  Becker, A. B.,  Subbarao, P.,  Sears, M. R., CHILD Study Investigators, Kozyrskyj, A. L. (in press). Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Stress from Pregnancy to the Postnatal Period among Canadian Women: Impact of Employment and Immigration. American Journal of Public Health.

Antwi, G. O.*, Lohrmann, D. K., Jayawardene, W., Chow, A., Obeng, C. S., & Sayegh, A. M. Associations Between E-Cigarette and Combustible Cigarette Use among U.S. (2019). Cancer Survivors: Implications for Research and Practice. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 13, 316–325.  [*graduate student author]


Cusack, L., Sbihi, H., Larkin, A., Chow, A., Brook, J. R., Moraes, T., Mandhane, P. J., Becker,  A. B., Azad, M. B., Subbarao, P., Kozyrskyj, A., Takaro, T. K., Sears, M. R., Turvey, S. E., Hystad, P., and the CHILD Study investigators. (2018). Residential green space and pathways to term birth weight in the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study. International Journal of Health Geographics, 17, 43.

Chow, A., Kiuru, N., Parker, P., Eccles J. S., Salmela-Aro, K. (2018). Development of friendship and task values in a New School: Friend selection for the Arts and Physical Education but Socialization for Academic Subjects. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 47, 1966-1977.

Krahn, H. J., Chow, A., Galambos, N. L., & Johnson, M. D. (in press). Enlightenment, social reproduction, or status defense? Higher Education and Concerns about Social Problems from Adolescence to Midlife. British Journal of Sociology of Education.



Wang, M. T.^, Chow, A.^, & Amemiya, J. J. (2017). Who Wants to Play? Sport Motivation Trajectories, Sport Participation, and the Development of Depressive Symptoms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46, 1982-1998. [^equal first authorship] 


Wang, M. T.^, Chow, A.^, & Eccles, J. S. (2017). Does everyone’s motivational beliefs about physical science decline in secondary school?: Heterogeneity of adolescents’ achievement motivation trajectories in physics and chemistry, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46, 1821-1838. [^equal first authorship]


Chow, A., Galambos, N. L., & Krahn, H. J. (2017). Work values during the transition to adulthood and mid-life satisfaction: Cascading effects across 25 years. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 41, 105-114.



Symonds, J. E., Dietrich, J., Chow, A., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2016). Mental Health Improves After Transition From Comprehensive School to Vocational Education or Employment In England: A National Cohort Study. Developmental Psychology, 52, 652-665.


Krahn, H. J. & Chow, A. (2016). Youth Unemployment and Career Scarring: Social-Psychological Mediating Effects? The Canadian Journal of Sociology, 41, 117-137. 



Sortheix, F. M., Chow, A., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2015). Work values and the transition to work life: A longitudinal study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 89, 162–171.


Lauermann, F. Chow, A., & Eccles, J. S. (2015). Differential effects of adolescents’ expectancy and value beliefs about Math and English on math/science-related and human services-related career plans. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 7, 205-228.


Wang, M. T., Chow, A.^, Hofkens, T.^, & Salmela-Aro, K. (2015). The trajectories of student emotional engagement and school burnout with academic and psychological development: Findings from Finnish adolescents. Learning and Instruction, 36, 57-65. [*equal second authorship]

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